Repair and Recovery: The key to lasting relationships

This stellar conversation is the fourth and final episode (for now) with our champion guest speaker, Sophia’s Dad, and my hubby, Blair Abbass.

We begin with updates on our lives since we chose to postpone our pod to give our chat with Cindy Thompson from A Resilience Project Podcast its full moment in the sun. It was a difficult one, but a beautifully honest chat on our journey and how we’re doing post trauma. If you haven’t listened yet, visit:
We also had the honor of speaking with Nancy Regan on The Canadian Love Map, about our mother-daughter relationship and how we make it work. To listen, visit:

Sophia starts by letting us in on all the big decisions and growth she’s doing in her final year of public school. It’s so amazing to hear her perspective on these colossal choices like which uni to attend etc.
I share about my new, and thankfully fully treatable diagnosis, and the symbolism behind learning to skillfully use my voice.

We then move into our conversation with this amazing therapist and educator, Blair Abbass, who opens the topic of repair by emphasizing the hazards of blindly blaming others.

We dive into the whole idea of repair, what it means to each of us and why it’s essential if we are to have healthy, lasting relationships. Personal responsibility, self-worth, education and boundaries are but a few solutions we discuss.

What about you? What does repair mean to you and what’s required in order to return to love with those who matter most in your life? We encourage you to discuss this concept with your people, perhaps using this episode as a conversation starter.

As always, we want to hear how it goes and know that we appreciate every rating and response you share with us.

Peace to all, Sophia, Jenny and Blair

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